
About this site, The Final Shakeout…

What started out as one or two interesting castings sitting on a desk has quickly turned into a full blown collection for General Kinematics’s President, Thomas Musschoot. Over the past decade Thomas has searched and collected these markers of metal casting history. This site attempts to help share a bit of the history behind each casting and the foundries that poured them. All these castings are currently located at General Kinematics Corporation’s headquarters in Crystal Lake, IL.



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About General Kinematics…

General Kinematics vibratory and rotary foundry solutions are known for quality, reliability, and long service life. For over five decades, GK has lead the foundry industry in creating innovative vibratory equipment that delivers unmatched performance and value. At GK, our vibratory and rotary equipment is only part of the payoff. It is through the collaborative efforts of our customer relationships that both superior process and product emerge to improve customer profitability, productivity, and product quality. To learn more about General Kinematics, check out our website at www.generalkinematics.com.

